Thursday 22 December 2016

Healthy eating: Hummus.

We`ve been quite busy over the last few Days and cooking wasn`t really our top priority. Still, we found some time to make this amazing hummus. In case some of you don`t know what that is, here is a reminder:

Hummus is a creamy, thick spread made primarily from mashed chickpeas and a few other healthy ingredients that has become popular worldwide over the past couple of decades. It has long been enjoyed in Middle Eastern and North African countries and today in commonly eaten across North America and Europe too.
Although, most recipes usually include garlic, we always make It without garlic (not a big fan). Here is our version. We  have made It before, but this one was best one yet.
 It`s healthy, vegan and delicious. What more could we ask for? Enjoy!
1 jar of chickpeas (DM Bio 350 g)
3-4 tablespoons of tahini (DM Bio 250 g)
half of lemon (squeezed juice)
and add olive oil till you achieve wanted consistency

You can also add black seeds and red pepper If you want.

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